"The world doesn't happen to you, it happens from you." ~Unknown
It's been a very good day today. Started off with a meeting that really inspired me, and I left there feeling all chippery.
The meeting was basically about schools and all the things I'm going to do and want to do in the near future.
After the meeting I went to visit a friend for some lunch and tea,
and then straight home to pick up on all the packing and organizing and OH MY GOSH I own a lot of shit.
I'm going to throw away most of my stuff before the move to Stockholm.
Ooh, I have butterflies in my tummy now.. it's craaa-hazy! ^O^
And also it seems that my FUTURE move to London will go very smoothly when I've moved to Stockholm.
Things are falling to place more and more. All the time.
One of the things that I've learned about myself these last 6 months, is that I can do whatever the hell I want - as long as I know WHAT I want.
The force & ambition is endless in me, and that realization feels pretty damn good ^^
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything.
What we think we become." ~Buddha
Now, I'm going to take a sweet bubblebath.
Love, light and peace!

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