Wednesday 3 November 2010

Longing for adventure

Earlier today I was looking at pictures and reading the blog of my three dear friends that are traveling around in Australia for a couple of months (or as long as they have money left).
I just realized, again, that I need to travel more!
That's one of the things that I absolutely love. Adventures.
I'm the kind of person that enjoys being away more than I like being at home.
I love to meet new people, see and experience new things.

So, when I've finished my studies I'm going to travel.
I don't mean like.. over a holiday or a few weeks. I mean, months.
There's gonna be lots of adventure, art, nature, creating, learning, MUSIC, inspiration,
experiences, excitement & culture. At least, that's how I imagine it to be.
That's what I want to get out of it all.

I think I'm the kind of person that needs to move around a lot. I need to be & feel in motion.
I just can't get stuck doing the same thing, living at the same place until my dying day.
I need to be impulsive and move with life, as it unfolds before me.
I'm more or less uncapable of making plans for more than 1 year ahead.
I just go with the flow, and believe that it'll all end up the best way possible.
But believe me, it can be very difficult being as stubborn and impulsive as I am.
The things I've thrown myself into without really thinking it through has either been a total disaster or ended up being the best things I've ever done in my life.
And now that I think about it.. even those things that was a total disaster, has led me to all the other wonderful things. Good ol' yin & yang, I guess.