It's been a magical and lovely first week in my new school.
There's art all day - every day in my schedule. So happy I could die.
And Helliden's boarding school is just SO beautiful.
I call it 'The Castle of Art', hihi.
My classmates and the teachers all seem awesome, too.
All the classes aren't settled just yet though, next week we're all going to choose
one art-subject that we're going to have once a week.
The subject that I'm primarily going to study is silver forging, which I'll be doing three days a week. One day a week well have drawing & photo lessons,
and then one day a week that free-choise-art-subject.
I'm thinking about choosing textile and sewing ^-^
Oh, and September 12-16 the 'silver-class' are going on a schooltrip to Denmark.
We're going to see Andy Warhol's Art Exhibition, have photolessons,
see and visit lots of artsy places. omg, CAN'T WAIT!
Here's some pictures of the School/Castle.
I took these from google, but I'm going to snap a few pics of my own later.
(these pictures really doesn't do the beauty of the school-area justice):
tack sandra =)